SciFi Mega Crossover Wikia

Diagnostic Repair Drones, or DRDs, are small robots that populate Leviathan biomechanoids. More of these droids are built as a Leviathan grows. The drones are extensions of the Leviathan's consciousness, and therefore can be used to communicate with the vessel even if its Pilot is incapacitated. Otherwise, DRDs generally perform repairs and maintenance. DRDs are also capable of defending the ship, as each bears a built-in laser. Because of their small size, DRDs are also frequently used by crew members to search for lost items. Perhaps one of the most vital tasks of DRDs involved the use of translator microbes, which DRDs can inject in those who board the Leviathan.

Talyn's DRD

One of Talyn's DRDs

DRDs vary one every ship but are generally oval in shape, and roughly 14 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 8 inches tall. Moya's DRDs were yellow, but Talyn had red DRDS that were also armed with more powerful weapons than the DRDs of more peaceful Leviathan biomechanoids.

Leviathan biomechanoids produce hundreds of DRDs.

Notable DRDs[]


Diagnostic Repair Drones are derived from Farscape. For canon information, please visit the Farscape Encyclopedia Project.
